If you choose the DIY route, please tailor this letter for your specific situation. This is a sample - do not copy verbatim.
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
The Honorable [Judge's Full Name]
United States District Court
[Court Jurisdiction e.g. Southern District of New York]
[Address of the Court]
[City, State, Zip Code]
Regarding: U.S. vs Defendant’s name [Case Number]
Dear Honorable Judge [Judge's Last Name],
We, X and Y, are writing to you with deep familiarity and respect for XX, whom we have known intimately for over two decades. Our paths first crossed at the University of XXXXXX and continued through our shared devotion at the XXXXXX Church, fostering a bond that extended to personal friendships and joint travel experiences.
It was a moment of profound dismay for us when XX, a friend we hold in high esteem, confided in us about his legal transgressions. Yet, it is with a sense of pride that we acknowledge his courageous acceptance of responsibility for his actions.
This letter serves as a testament to XX's character, as we have come to know him since our initial meeting in XXX. At the University of XXXXXX, where XX held an administrative role, his innate ability to embrace and uplift others was immediately apparent. This initial impression was not misplaced, as over the years, we have witnessed his relentless and joyful dedication to serving those around him.
Our children's education at the University of XXXXX, combined with X's experience teaching chemistry there, gave us a firsthand view of XX's extraordinary commitment to those around him. His approach to discipline was transformative, turning challenges into opportunities for positive change. XX’s efforts ensured that underprivileged college-bound students received necessary financial aid, and he played a pivotal role in our son's successful admission to college.
XX's generosity of spirit is boundless, always ready to assist those in need without expectation of recognition. His presence at Church every Sunday has been a blessing, making everyone feel valued and cared for. XX, along with his wife XXX, are cherished friends. Our joint mission trip to XXXXX highlighted his unwavering commitment to service, where he quickly organized healthcare services for locals and naturally attracted the affection of children, despite language barriers.
During the period when XX was selling the XXXXXXX, we observed an uncharacteristic stress in his demeanor, an indication of the challenges he was facing at the time. We are grateful for the legal system’s provision for a process of atonement and restitution, through which XX is navigating.
XX’s journey through this legal process has been marked by honesty and a sincere effort to rectify the harm caused by his actions. His attitude during this time has been an exemplary display of humility and grace.
As you deliberate on the sentence for XX, we humbly request that you consider our reflections on his character and the positive impact he has had on the lives of many.
X and Y